In the Community
Volunteers with the South Algonquin Business Alliance are hard at work in the My South Algonquin Community. Scroll down to see what we have accomplished since 2019!
Wondering how you can support trail work in South Algonquin? Click below to purchase an Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance trail pass.

Old Rail Trail Upgrades
In partnership with the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance and funded in part by FedNor, SABA upgraded 40km of the Old Rail Trail (Top B snowmobile Trail) running east to west across the north end of the township. (Many thanks also to the Opeongo Snowbirds who upgraded the bridge in Madawaska.)
$1,100,000 invested in
Accessibility Upgrades
The South Algonquin Business Alliance has been instrumental in helping local businesses access funding to build accessible infrastructure. Our goal is to become the most accessible rural community in the province. Businesses have invested almost $1.1 million dollars in our community since 2018, with more projects on the horizon.