Why Support SABA?
All of our activities are designed to contribute to economic development in South Algonquin. Our efforts are focused mostly on tourism, but we recognize there are all kinds of non-tourism related businesses that need support as well and we aim to include all business types in our work.
Joining SABA
We have vacancies! If you have time and talent to share, contact someone on the list above or come out to one of our meetings and introduce yourself. Business meetings happen on the last Friday morning of each month from October-May (see our calendar). Additional meetings of a more general interest happen throughout the year, and may include workshops, guest speakers, or networking events as the opportunities arise.
By choosing to become a member, you are indicating that you:
support or are curious about economic development activities in the township,
want to be connected to the South Algonquin business community and the information resources we share
hope to prosper here, and,
are willing to help your neighbours prosper too!
SABA Membership Levels
SABA's success depends on our ability to reach every local business. And while we focus on tourism right now, we know that every business counts, so we often talk about how can can serve the community of South Algonquin and include each and every business. As a Business Alliance, our membership includes both organizations and groups, and we want to make sure that the work we're doing is inclusive of everyone who wants to participate, regardless of their ability to pay. We also need revenue in order to do this good work. As a reminder, here are our membership levels, which we believe makes room for everyone, and gives us a chance to make sure we include everyone. If you are not a member and would like to join, you can do so here. We also gratefully accept donations in any amount.
ACTIVE Member $50.00
This membership is for people who believe in our work and want to support us at the highest level. Only people and organizations in South Algonquin can be active members.
Friends of SABA $0.00
This no charge membership gives local businesses a place in our business directory. If you have an online presence, you may be added automatically (removal is available by request).
SUPPORTIVE Member $25.00
This membership is for anyone who believes in our work and want to support us financially, regardless of where you live or work, and whether you're a business or a private citizen.
Friends From Away $0.00
This no charge membership is for out of town partners, champions and supporters who wish to stay informed about local activities and Business Alliance priorities.
All of these memberships give you:
Contact by email at renewal time in January (even for the $0 memberships, for which no action is required on your part - it's just us reaching out saying hi, we're glad you're in our community and we're working on your behalf)
Contact by email throughout the year when we send bulletins.
At least one text link to your online presence on our website.
Click here to make donations or pay membership fees by credit card. Alternately, we accept etransfers sent to accounting@mysouthalgonquin.ca
Advertising Rates
Affordable. Local. Great Value.
Every local business is entitled to a FREE listing in our Directory. We also advertise local EVENTS at no charge.
Fee-based advertising includes on our website, in our social media, and in our One Fine Day zine
One Fine Day combines interesting stories written by local people about local heritage, local businesses, and local landmarks in a print publication. In 2022, we were able to distribute 5000 copies free of charge. The title plays on the storytelling heritage of the township, as well as serving as a guide to visitors seeking to spend 'one fine day' in our region. A copy of each issue of this publication is preserved at Library and Archives Canada.

2023 Rate Card

Items in green automatically include an active membership in SABA, plus the level of advertising and discounts indicated.
Supportive and Friends from Away memberships allow you to select and pay for only the levels of advertising you wish.
Only local businesses can be included in our business directory.